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Who are we?

Groupe Fortin (For-Net/FORKEM/F.I.S.Q./F-Tech) is a Quebec family business that has over 55 years of experience and excellence in the areas of commercial cleaning, industrial and institutional, manufacturing and distribution of environmentally friendly cleaning products and building security.

A third generation in progress

Annie Fortin is a President with all the typical characteristic found in generation to generation founded companies. Within her,  the spirit of entrepreneurship that successively had her grandfather, Gérard Fortin, who founded the company in 1956, followed by her father, Jacques, chairman of the board of directors, that the company was founded on, repeats itself. 

Capitalizing on the best employees in the industry, Groupe Fortin ensures a clean and safe environment that enhances the prestige of your organization. Our company is certified ISO 9001 : 2008 and has approximately 1,000 unparalleled employees dispersed all over the four corners of Quebec.

For optimal efficiency,  Groupe Fortin separated their activities into four specialized divisions: 

Our business development has been gradually building on the complementarity and synergy between our four divisions. Our capacity for innovation, adaptation and response could not have known this development outside the family tradition and without a thorough understanding of market needs.

Gérard Fortin (1913-2003)

1 Cleaning Services

• Daily • Periodical • Special Cleaning Requests

2 Products/Equipments

• Manufactured Products • Environmental Products • Specialized  Products
• Distributor of known names

3 Management of combined services

• Maintenance • Heat/Ventilation • Carpentry • Loading Dock

4 Security of places and persons

• Detective • Guarding

5 Workforce

•Research and Selection • Call Centers • Janitor • Reception